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Saturday, November 27th, 2021

"...Losing everything in such a short amount of time really fucks with you. It makes you assume a sort of persona that wants the world to...

"Grangerize," Poem By Zed Freered

…The sickness took my village out in waves. The first wave brought the meat bags, terrible little creatures that would lay the eggs of...

"Snickersnee," Poem By Juniper Aaliyah

thrust upon the abdomen of this enticing animal, mildly infuriating color evading the high stakes, stab the eye to stop the beast from...

"VOYAGE," Poem By Juniper Aaliyah

The fear of the unknown, I travel through walls to find my love. A ghost in the form of a chaotic mantra. As I tour though, I do not stop...

Quotations From Limbo, Part 2

i tied my arm to my back so i could resist the urge to grab; my lover has their own way of enticing me.

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